Privacy Policy

“We” in WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  are committed to protecting and respecting your Personal Data.

The present Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding the collection of personal data on our website WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  and also how it is used and shared with third parties. Every time you visit the website WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  or you provide us with your personal information in any other way, you accept the practices described in this privacy policy. The data collected through our website depend on what you do every time you visit it, as well as the services you request.

In addition, this Privacy Policy informs you about your rights according to legislation regarding personal data and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Different Privacy Policies exist for the employees and those applying for a job.

The information stored about you and how we get it

WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  collects personal data of the visitors/users of its website, only when they provide it voluntarily, while using our on line services. Personal Data is the data that can be used to identify or contact a person or any other information about this person. Personal Data collected on our website is the following: Name, Surname, Sex, email address, mobile phone number.

While visiting our website to order products, as well as to ensure that we can contact you about our new products, you may be requested to provide information about you (Name, Profession, email address, date of birth, etc.). Any personal data you provide anywhere in the pages and services of our website  (through the use of cookies) is intended to be used only to ensure the function of the specific service and is not allowed to be used by any third party, without complying with the law 2472/97 regarding the protection and processing of personal data, as it is applied every time and also with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).

Why we use your Personal Data

Why we collect your data

Your personal data are collected so that we can provide you with our services, in an effort to enhance your experience as a customer. Without this data, WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR   may not be able to continue, establish or maintain the facilities and services provided.

Data is also collected during the normal course of work, so that our relationship with our customers can be continued. For example, when our customers complete Contact Forms.

How your data can be used

  • To facilitate the everyday operation of the services and products we provide to our customers
  • To learn how our customers respond to specific products
  • To inform our customers about new products
  • To satisfy the disclosure requirements of any law that binds WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR
  • To satisfy any other relevant purposes of Informational and Promotional Marketing

How we process your Personal Data

Our business has been built on the trust our customers have. In order to preserve the confidentiality of all the information you provide, we follow the following privacy principles:

  • We use your personal information to provide you with better services and products.
  • We collect only the information we consider relevant to your needs and that is required for our understanding of them.
  • We will not disclose your personal information to any other organization or third party unless we have your consent or if this is required by law or court order or if we have previously informed you.
  • From time to time we may need to disclose your information to government or judicial bodies or services or regulators, but we will do so only under the appropriate authority or decision of a public nature or a superior administrative or judicial authority.

Our goal is to keep your data in our file up-to-date.

We have taken strict security measures designed to prevent unauthorized access to your personal data to everyone, including unauthorized personnel.

WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR, all our personnel and third parties with access to your data are required to strictly comply with the confidentiality obligations of our company.

WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR may process part or all of the information sent by visitors / users for statistical purposes and to improve its services. The visitor / user can contact the site administrator in order to cross-check his/her personal file, correct it, change it or even delete it.

By maintaining our commitment to these principles, we at WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  ensure that we respect the trust you show us.

Legal basis for processing data

According to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), processing must be based on a legitimate basis, a real reason for collecting, storing, using and disclosing your personal information.

The basis on which we process your information may be one or more of the following:

  • Fulfilling a contract that we may have with you (regarding the supply of products or services)
  • Compliance of our company with a legal or regulatory duty etc.
  • Your consent, such as when you choose to receive emails or newsletters from us
  • Satisfying legitimate business interests of the company such as direct marketing, fraud prevention, network security and information technology systems, etc.

Online Promotion

From time to time we may collect personal data of the visitors to our pages and of those who participate in competitions or product promotion (through internet or through telephone or at one of our stores) provided that they have given their consent when creating the account. Only data given to us voluntarily is collected. We may use this information to advise them on products, services, and other promotional material that we believe may be of interest to them. We may also invite visitors to this site to participate in market research and polls or other similar activities. For more information, please refer to the company’s advertising and promotional policy.

If we ask you to provide additional personal information, we will explain to you precisely the purpose for which it is collected and we will ensure that it will be used only for this specific purpose.

 Under 16 years of age

We do not want to collect personal information of children without the consent of their parents. If you are under the age of 16, please ask for the consent of your parents or guardian before giving any information.

To whom we disclose your Personal Data

Your Privacy is of interest to us.

In any case WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR e-shop does not disclose or publish your personal data and the confidential information you have given us without your explicit consent.

The data stored WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR   for customers will be kept confidential, but WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  may provide this data to the following parties under the confidentiality duty for the purposes set out in the previous paragraph:

to any representative, contractor or service provider to third parties who provides administrative, telecommunication, computing or other record keeping services to WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR   in connection with the operation of the business and on the condition that they comply with the relevant legislation

to any other person under the obligation of confidentiality to WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  , who has undertaken to maintain the confidentiality of this data

to any person to whom WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  is under an obligation to disclose information in accordance with the requirements of any legislation or court order that binds WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  is under an obligation to disclose information in accordance with the requirements of any legislation or court order that binds WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR  or any of its online or physical stores

Retention – How long we keep your Data

We keep your personal data for as long as we need it and for the purpose we keep it in order to meet your needs or to comply with our legal obligations.

To determine how long your personal data is kept, we use the following criteria:

  • When you buy products and services, we keep your personal data throughout the contractual relationship.
  • When you participate in a promotional offer, we keep your personal information throughout the offer.
  • When you contact us to ask us a question, we keep your personal data for all the time needed to process your request.
  • When you create an account, we keep your personal information until you ask us to delete it or after a period of inactivity (without making any transactions with our trademark) defined in accordance with local regulations and guidelines.
  • When you have given your consent to receive direct marketing notifications, we keep your personal information until you cancel your registration or request its deletion, or after a period of inactivity (without making any transactions with our trademark) defined in accordance with your local regulations and guidelines.

When cookies are installed on your computer, we keep your personal data for as long as it is needed to achieve its purposes (i.e throughout a shopping cart cookies session or cookies of identification period) as well as for a period of time defined in accordance with local regulations and guidelines.

We may keep some of your personal data to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations and also to be able to manage our rights (for example, to submit our claims before Court) or for statistical or historical purposes.

When we no longer need to use your personal data, we delete it from our systems and records or we make it anonymous so that you can no longer be identified.

Creating your Profile

When we send or display personalized notifications or content, we may use some techniques defined as “creating your profile” (i.e, any form of automated processing of personal data that is using that data to evaluate someone’s certain personal characteristics, to analyze or predict features related to personal preferences, interests, financial status, behavior, location, health, physical characteristics, credibility or movements of that person). This data is collected and analyzed to evaluate and predict your personal preferences and / or interests. Based on our analysis, we send or display notifications and / or content tailored to your interests / needs. In some cases, you have the right to refuse the use of your data to create your profile. See “Your Rights and Options” below

 Accuracy of your Data and Responsibilities

It is important that the personal information we keep of you is accurate and up-to-date. For this reason, please let us know as soon as possible if some of your information changes or is wrong during our cooperation.

Your Rights and Options

Under the Regulation, you have the following rights under certain conditions:

Right to be informed
You have the right to receive clear, transparent and understandable information about the way we use your personal data, as well as your rights. This is the reason why we provide the information listed in this Policy.

Right to access your data
You have the right to access the personal data we keep about you (under certain restrictions). We may impose a reasonable charge that takes into account the administrative costs involved in providing this information. Obviously unreasonable, excessive or repeated requests may not be answered. To obtain this access, please contact us in the ways listed below.

Right for your data to be corrected
You have the right to ask for your personal data to be corrected if it is incorrect or out of date and / or to fill in if it is not complete. For this correction, please contact us in the ways listed below. If you have an account, it may be easier to correct your data yourself through “My Account” section.

Right for your data to be deleted
In some cases you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data. Please note that this is not an absolute right, as we may have legal or valid reasons to keep your personal data. If you wish your personal information to be deleted, please contact us in the ways listed below.

Right to oppose to direct marketing, including profile creating
You can unsubscribe any time or refuse to receive instant marketing notifications. It’s easier to do so by clicking on the ‘Unsubscribe’ link in any email or notification we send you. Otherwise, you can contact us using the contact details listed below.

Right to revoke your consent to data processing at any time
You may revoke your consent to data processing when such processing is based on your consent. Revoking consent does not affect the legality of processing based on consent before it is revoked.

Right to submit a complaint to a supervising authority
You have the right to contact your country’s data protection authority and file a complaint about data protection practices. Do not hesitate to contact us in the ways listed below before submitting a complaint to data protection authority.

Right to limit data processing
You have the right to request that we limit the processing of your data. This right means that your data processed by us is subject to restrictions and therefore we can store it but we can’t use it or process it further.

Responsible for Personal Data Management for WWW.SANTORINIESHOP.GR are: Mr A KAFIERIS, +30 2286036306, [email protected]