

Crescendo 750ml.

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SKU: sw-crecendo Category:

Type: Red dry wine

Varieties: 40% Mavrotragano, 40% Boudomato & 20% Mantilaria

Vibrant ruby color, rich, dynamic, fleshy mouth. Exuberant aromas of flowers and fruits, freshness, cool acidity and vivacity.
You can combine it with spicy cheeses, pasta with fresh tomato sauce or sweet and sour dishes such as Chinese cuisine.

The vineyard
Location: Santorini
Altitude: Up to 400 meters
Age of vines: 40-60 years
Pruning: Traditional koulura
Planting density of 200-230 plants/acre
Production/hectare: 200 kg

Technical Specifications
Alcohol content (%) 11.7
Total acidity (grams of tartaric acid) 5.85
Reducing sugars (g/lt) 2.2
pH 3.4

Classic red vinification
No maturation before bottling



Weight1300 g
